Ménière's Disease

Effective Meniere's Disease Treatment Can Send Symptoms into Remission
Meniere's disease is a chronic ear condition commonly characterized by ringing in the ears, vertigo, and in more serious cases, hearing loss. Our doctors at Chesapeake Ear Nose & Throat in Baltimore, MD are considered experts in this field, and can provide personalized Meniere's disease treatment. During your initial consultation, one of our other board-certified specialists will conduct a series of evaluations in order to create a treatment plan customized to your unique needs. Although there is no cure, our doctors can offer both surgical and non-surgical treatment, as well as at-home care to help you manage symptoms.
Signs & Symptoms
Meniere's disease is more common among individuals in their 40s and 50s. Although the exact cause is unknown, fluid changes within the inner ear have been linked to this condition. Symptoms generally manifest periodically, and in some cases, may be experienced all at the same time. Common symptoms include:
- Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
- Difficulty hearing or loss of hearing
- Spinning sensation (vertigo)
- Loss of balance
- Headaches
- Nausea or vomiting
- Feeling of a plugged ear
When this disease is managed properly, it can go into remission within a few years after diagnosis. While Meniere's disease is not curable, the symptoms and side effects can be managed to prevent long-term and serious hearing loss.
Meniere's Disease Treatment
There are a variety of treatments available to help you manage symptoms for this condition. After a detailed examination with thorough balance testing, hearing tests, and blood work, one of our expert doctors can create a personalized treatment that may include:
- Medications: The type of medications prescribed will depend on your symptoms. For vertigo and vomiting, your doctor can prescribe oral medications known to treat motion sickness and nausea. An inner ear injection can also address more severe balance disorders. For patients with fluid buildup within the inner ear, the doctor may prescribe a diuretic to increase fluid output.
- Hearing Aids: If you are experiencing hearing loss, our doctors can also get you fitted for advanced Bluetooth® hearing aids to rehabilitate your hearing and alleviate symptoms of vertigo.
- Physical Therapy: Vestibular rehabilitation may also be necessary in severe vertigo cases. With this treatment, the doctor will use specialized exercises, such as habituation, gaze stability, and balance training to help reduce dizziness and the sensation of spinning.
- Surgery: For more severe symptoms that have not responded well to other treatments, various surgeries can be performed. Often, an endolymphatic sac procedure will be performed to reduce fluid buildup and promote healthy drainage within the inner ear.
If you have reoccurring ringing in your ears, followed by nausea and dizziness, you may be suffering from Meniere's disease. The sooner you can schedule a consultation, the sooner we can help you manage and minimize your symptoms.
Managing Meniere's Disease at Home
Meniere's disease can also improve with lifestyle and dietary changes. In order to manage your symptoms at home, you can:
- Avoid certain stimulants, such as caffeine, chocolate, or nicotine
- Avoid salt
- Avoid MSG
- Avoid stress
- Rest during vertigo attacks
- Moderate alcohol use
- Drink six to eight glasses of water per day
- Maintain a healthy diet
In addition to following these guidelines, it is essential that you regularly meet with our doctors to ensure that your symptoms are not worsening.
Seek Relief Today
If you have reoccurring ringing in your ears, followed by nausea and dizziness, you may be suffering from Meniere's disease. The sooner you can schedule a consultation, the sooner we can help you manage and minimize your symptoms. Contact us online or call (410) 356-2626 to meet with one of our highly qualified doctors.
“I received excellent care at Chesapeake ENT. Their prompt response and cheerful attitudes made for a wonderful experience. All of the audiologists were very helpful. Especially Dr. Laura Toll, her knowledge of hearing aids and the new technology offered made for an easy decision."
- Tanya
"Was very knowledgeable and helpful."
- Saafir
"Very courteous and on time."
- Pauline